Cold sores are inconvenient and frustrating, especially because there isn’t much you can do to get rid of them. Fortunately, our dentists have some tips to help you handle your next cold sore and even dull some of the pain and discomfort. So let’s take a look!
The first thing you should do is ice the sore. Grab an ice cube, wrap it in a paper towel, and put it on the lip over the tingling area. Let the ice cube melt. This should help slow the growth of the cold sore. After the ice melts, stick another cube on there to continue the chilling. This can help reduce the pain and swelling.
The second thing you should do is make the sore dry out. This means you shouldn’t slather it with the cold sore cream. It’s best to let the sore dry out to the point when it’s no longer painful. Then, at that point, it’s important to keep the lips moist to prevent bleeding and minimize splitting.
To learn more about how to handle a cold sore in Douglasville, Georgia, please call Smile By Design at 770-942-1096 at your earliest convenience. When you contact our dental team, we will be more than happy to talk with you and give you the information you’re looking for. Our experienced dentists, Dr. Parth Patel and Dr. Thomas Schnare, are here to help you create a smile you can be proud of!