How Routine Dental Checkups Help Your Smile in the Long Run

When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »

Caring for Your Oral Health With Dental Anxiety Treatments

Are you aware of the common side effects of dental anxiety and what treatment methods can be used to help combat it? If you are suffering from dental anxiety, it could be linked to heightened stress levels within your life. Not only do you need to work on meditative therapies by visualizing yourself in a calm and relaxing setting or... read more »

How Dental Fillings Are Placed

If you get a cavity, some dental filling may be the solution you are looking for. It can take the place of the cavity and restore the tooth. If you are curious about how fillings are placed, we offer you this brief explanation. Our dentist removes any decayed parts of your tooth. Unfortunately, these parts cannot be saved, but clearing... read more »

Why Your Dentist Recommends Brushing Your Teeth at the Office

If you want a top-notch smile and oral health, then you need to clean and care for your teeth and gums regularly. One way you can do so is by brushing your teeth at the office. Brushing your teeth at the office can help you have a clean and pristine smile, can help you prevent dental issues and can even... read more »

Beautify an Imperfect Smile with Tooth Bonding

Very few fortunate people were born with naturally perfect smiles. Most of us will have some minor flaw that could be covered over to attain the desired result. Some may have a more insightly issue like a misshapen or discolored tooth that they want to completely hide or remove from their smile. In these cases, we can help you to... read more »

Early Symptoms of Dental Abscess Requires Professional Diagnosis

Sometimes even a seemingly small cavity can penetrate deep into a tooth. As the tooth decay continues to advance it can allow oral bacteria to gain increased access to the pulp and root of the tooth. As the problem continues to develop you will likely experience increased sensitivity and discomfort in the tooth. This could also be related to gradually... read more »

Tips for Handling Dental Emergencies on Vacation

If you have experienced a dental emergency while you’re on vacation, then it’s important to keep a cool head. There is no need to panic. Fortunately, your dentists, Drs. Patel and Schnare, have many treatments that can help you and your smile. Until you visit them, it’s best to handle the situation correctly. To help you do so, they encourage... read more »

Dental Veneers Can Help Your Smile Live Its Best Life

Chipped, stained, discolored and misshapen teeth can affect your confidence and how you see your smile. We are pleased to offer dental veneers as an excellent cosmetic dental service to restore and brighten an unflattering tooth. Dental veneers can fix a number of dental flaws to help your smile look better than ever before! These thin porcelain shells are bonded... read more »

Carrots: Oral Superfoods

Carrots are superb for creating snowmen and treating horses, but are they okay for your teeth? As it turns out, they are! Carrots can be excellent for teeth. Here’s a bit of data we’ve assembled for you on why carrots may be able to enhance your dental health. If you have any inquiries after reading, feel free to ask us... read more »

7 Contributors to Gum Disease

Did you know that certain dental procedures require healthy gums to be successful? Having numerous oral health care treatments, as well as the cosmetic enhancements of teeth whitening and dental veneers all require healthy gums. And yet, gum disease today affects almost half of adults over the age of 30 in the U.S. Today we will take a look at... read more »